

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiostiy. - Dorothy Parker

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. - Dalai Lama

Monday, December 13, 2010

vacation form

Parents,  if you will be taking your child out of school because your family is going out of town, you must fill out a vacation form ahead of time or your child will be marked unexcused.

Completing the vacation form and turning it into the office ahead of time assures that your child will be marked as an excused absence. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Next Week

There is a school wide Polar Pajama day next Wednesday, the 15th.  Wear your PJs to school that day and I will be read The Polar Express. 
Also, we are having a Holiday Program for our Preschool students on Thursday, December 16th.  A flyer with detailed information has already been sent home.  This is just a reminder that it will not be a regular school day and you will be responsible for the transportation of your child next Thursday.   
Upon entering the building, send your child down the hall to our room and find a place to watch the program. We will be performing a few songs for you!


I have had many students wearing boots to school with all the snow that has come our way and I am sure we will be getting more.  This is just a friendly reminder to only wear boots only on days when it is absolutely necessary.  When at school, we do not go outside and our sidewalks are always shoveled for the children when they get off the bus.   Please understand that changing in and out of boots and shoes infringes on instructional time; so only wear them when you have to.  Thank you J