Our preschool Harvest Party is on Thursday, October 28th. Children are encouraged to dress up in costume that day as we participate in fun activities during centers. I am looking for parents who are willing to volunteer in the AM from 9:20-11:40 and PM from 1:25-3:40. I also like to have a special snack and drink for our party (AM-10 students; PM-7 students). The AM snack is covered, but if you would be able to provide a drink or snack, come in to help, or both, just let me know. You can write a note in your child’s notebook or just comment on this page. I will keep the comments updated for you to view so you know what we have and what we need.
Thanks! Have a great long weekend. Go Bucks!
AM Snack- Mary
ReplyDeleteAM Drink- Nicole
PM Snack- Wendy
PM Drink- Tammy
ReplyDeleteWe are good on food and drinks. Just let me know if you would like to come in and volunteer!